Perhaps daily, weekly or monthly you try to upate your blog because your blog is not just a simple journal but also your source of additional revenue. You write a good quality post and you try to compose a lot of ideas to share in your blog, but still no one reads them. Without any readers your Adsense and referral earnings is $0. If you are just starting a blog and have a 2 or 3 couples of post expect that it will not generate reveneu for you at the moment. What you need aside from blog creation is the other necessary steps to maximize your blog usability and potentials - ADVERTISING your blog.
Here I want to share some tips on how to advertise your own blog for traffic and readership. I'm no expert in advertising or marketing but in my experience I have this to share with you. Here are some that I learn for my years of using the internet.
Try to visit other blogs and leave a comment in one of the post that interest you. By this means you create a linkback from other blogs to your own blog. When making a comment it must be relevant to the post you are commenting don't just leave a comment like "Nice site or Nice blog" or "Good post here" if that's all you can say it will look like a spam comment without any relevance at all.
Use trackback if you find that a certain post is similar or related to your blog. It will save you time and effort to make the same post but still allow your readers to read your post and refer them to a lot or other valuable resources aside from you own.
Submit your blog to a Blog Directory like Blogcatalog, Mybloglog ,Blogflux or Technorati among others. There are lots of blog directory and most of them is free you only have to put a linkback code to get you listed that's all.With this community you can meet and socialize with other bloggers and gain some readers and more than that friends and contacts.
Submit your content to Social Bookmarking sites, such as .del.ic. ious,digg or stumbleupon as this sites has lots of readers and the likelihood that your content will be found by readers from this sites.
Use a feed reader like, feedburner, netvibes, rojo and lots of others to publicize your content to the entire blogosphere. This tools boost your blog's visibility and expose your blog content to potential subcribers aside from you own RSS feeds.
If you do all this stuff that I have shared I'm certain that your blog will have regular visitors and readers, but don't forget to post quality content in your blog or you will loss your readers.The purpose of advertising your blog is to gain traffic and readership, but a good quality content will keep visitors and readers coming back for more and gain you popularity and lots of revenue in the long run.
4 weeks ago
February 23, 2008 at 10:10 PM
Yupp all true, don't forget to reach for the search engine readers by using unique and fresh contents, using the right keywords and keywords phrases for your title.
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