
Weblog Usability: Blog's potential areas you should use to reach to your readers.

Weblogs are a form of website that is distinct from the conventional website we often see in the net, they have a unique characteristics and thus have a distinct usability potentials.

Usability Potentials:

To reach new readers and respect your existing readers' time constraints, use these blog usability potentials as much as possible.

1. Author's Biographies (About me section of your blog). The basic rationale for creating this section is that users want to know who they're dealing with. It's a matter of trust. Anonymous writings have less credence than something that's signed, unless a person is extraordinarily famous. Readers want to know more about you even if you don't have any credentials or experience. Readers will trust you more if you're honest about that fact, set forth your experience if any, and explain the reason for your interest and enthusiasm.

2. Personal Photo. Photo is important for two reasons:

  • It offers a more reasonable impression about you and enhance the credibility by the fact that you are not trying to hide under your own blog. Psychologically wise, users relate more easily to somebody they've seen. The human brain is more keen on remembering and recognizing faces.

  • The virtual and the physical world is often interconnected. People who have met you before will recognize your photo,and those who have read your site will recognize you if ever you meet in person- at a conference, a party or simply in the street.

3. TitlePost or Headlines. Use descriptive headlines to let your users grasp the main idea of your post. Posting title is a microcontent that best describe the kernel of your post. Descriptive headlines are especially important for representing you blog in search engines, newfeeds, and other external environments. Users often see the headline and use it to determine whether to click and view your full post.

4. Links. Create links to other related sites as much as possible to help your users find more information aside from what is in your blog. Remember that a blog is an all-in-one portal for the purpose of making less time and effort to do a manual search in search engines. Make your blog as much as possible a "microsearch engine" where users could find other information related to their query by using links.

Using the potentials of this sections of your blog gain you readership on the long run, makes your blog search engine friendly and will earn for you revenue if you are incorporating revenue earning programs like Adsense or referral ads on your blog. Happy blogging.