
Advantages of using Firefox ScribeFire Extension tool for blogging

ScribeFire as I mentioned in the previous post is a very handy extension tool available only in Firefox user. The advantages of using this extension tool in Firefox is;
It enables you to automatically create a tag in technorati for your post.
You can automatically bookmark your post at del.icio.us using the same tags as your technorati tags.
Automatically enable pings using Ping-O-Matic.
Enables you to automatically publish your content on your blog as this extension tool is compatible with Wordpress and Blogger platforms but there is some issues with regards to Movable Type blogging platform.
I have been using this extension in Firefox since I am a Firefox user.
By using this extension tool blogging is more fun and easy as you don't need to log-in to your individual blogging account in your Wordpress or Blogger.

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