Image by adam is on flickr via Flickr Previously posted are the two necessary steps in starting your own blog and that is Decision and Preparation. Now after you've made a decision and prepared everything the next thing is Execution.
Execution:This would mean the launching of your blog making it visible in the blogosphere. What you've prepared and planned you will now make the first initial presence in the world wide web. Blog is just like a product where by you want to let other people know the good thing about it. Execution would also mean promoting and drawing as much visitors to your blog giving them the idea of what your blog can offer for their information and knowledge. In executing your blog and making its presence be felt in the blogosphere community, you have to do what is needed and that is promotion and traffic. Promoting you blog means joining social network communities like, Blog Catalog orMyBlogLog all this you have to do to attract more readers and visitors to your blog and their are lots of blog directories in the blogosphere its all up to you to join any of them so far this two are the most popular. And there is also Twitter. So once you've done this things off your blog goes now and on the long run you'll know which direction your blog will be going. Next post would be Direction that is finding the best your blog can become.
4 weeks ago
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